Soft Wash - Roof Cleaning
Roof Treatment & Roof Washing
There are 2 options for roof cleaning.
A Roof Treatment or a Roof Wash.
Roof Treatment
In most cases, we will generally recommend a roof treatment.
This involves low pressure (almost no pressure) chemical spray application to the roof.
Once the chemical is applied, it will instantly begin killing all of the lichen & moss. The lichen and moss will be removed over a period of 4-6 months with the elements - with the rain, sun and wind working all of the organic growth off the roof surface
Although this is a longer time and provides slower results, we recommend this in most cases.
Roof Wash
For this treatment, we mix a number of different solutions to achieve a quicker (same day) result. We apply the chemical by the same method as the Roof Treatment, however it is with a much stronger mix of chemical than a roof treatment. This will kill any lichen, moss, mould instantly then we proceed to soft wash the entire roof. This will be using low pressure.
A Roof Wash is slightly more expensive than a roof treatment due to the chemicals and the process - but if you are looking for a quick result, this is the best option.
Question: Do we use safety harnesses?
Answer: YES. Safety is paramount in all the work we carry out. We have certification for working at heights and use temporary anchors on each job.
Question: I’m on Tank Water, can I still get my roof cleaned?
Answer: We have worked with many different tank water systems in the past. Rain collection systems will be disconnected before we start with your roof wash, and once completed, we recommend leaving the pipes disconnected for 7 rain days after the wash/treatment.